Business Licenses & Vendor Permits
Get more information about business-related licenses and permits and how to get one for your business. To obtain a business-related license or permit, please visit City Hall, Monday through Friday, between 8:00 am and 4:30 pm.
The City of Hampton, Arkansas does not require a business license.
The City of Hampton, Arkansas does require building permits for new construction or modifiying of an exterior structure. (see Residents tab for more information)
The City of Hampton, Arkansas does require vendor permits. (see below for more information)
If you don't see what you're looking for, give us a call and we will be happy to answer your questions.
Ordiance 2023-03
Section One
(a) It shall be unlawful for any person, organization, society, association or corporation, or any agent, member or representative thereof, directly or indirectly, to solicit money, donations, property or financial assistance of any kind; to sell, or offer to sell, any article, tag, service emblems, publications, tickets, advertisements or anything of value on the plea or the representation that such sale or solicitation, or the proceeds thereof, is for a charitable, religious, welfare, patriotic or philanthropic purpose on the streets, on any office of business building, by house-to-house canvas, or any other private or public space, by telephone, personal solicitation by mail or any other way in the City of Hampton, unless such person, organization, society, association or corporation shall have first obtained a permit as herein provided.
(b) It shall be unlawful for any transit peddlers or solicitors to sell, or offer to sell, any article, goods, publications, advertisements or mail or any other way in the City of Hampton, unless such person shall have first obtained as herein provided.
(c) That before any person or group of persons, as above mentioned, shall be permitted to solicit or sell as herein provided, they shall secure a permit signed by the Mayor or City Clerk. The following permit fees shall be in effect:
Permits per month $50.00
(d) The terms of this Ordinance shall not apply to: any local church or church-sponsored activity, OR any charitable, patriotic, civic or non-profit group or organization, OR any national recognized organizations such as Red Cross, Salvation Army, etc., OR farm-raised produce sold by residents of local trade area.
Contact Info
City of Hampton
PO Box 783
(870) 798-2753